What Have I Learned About React Context API

| 8 min read

Context API

I have a project “REST Countries API with color theme switcher” from Frontend Mentor that I was not working on it for a while. Originally, I didn’t use Context API and in fact, I was planning to finish this without the API. Until I watched this video React JavaScript Framework for Beginners – Project-Based Course from FreeCodeCamp. I figured I should try to implement the API in the project.

Also, check out the live site for what it does before moving on.

Let’s start on the topic:

It is better to see the codebase in action and why the API is awesome! Without the API, props will have to pass down from component to component. There can be more layers of components. I often had to go and back forth between files while working on this project. I think this could be really difficult to debug the app when you have to figure out where the props originally came from. Let’s think about this if the app is large with thousands of components and passing props down through the tree root alike structure…? I think you get the idea.

Let’s start on what the file looks like before.

Before useContext

function Main() {
	// this is from the useFetchCountries.jsx where I set up for data, loading and list
	const { countries, loading, list, setList } = useFetchCountries();
	// this is for the search bar where the users will type to search
	const [searchTerm, setSearchTerm] = useState("");
	// this is for select region, like America, Asia, etc
	const [selectRegion, setSelectRegion] = useState("");
	// this is for the pagintation that will display 12 countries each page
	const [countriesPerPage] = useState(12);
	// this is to show the current page, e.g. page 1, page 2..etc
	const [currentPage, setCurrentPage] = useState(1);

	// a function to filter countries based on the search value
	const handleSearch = (searchValue) => {
		const value = searchValue.toLowerCase();
		const searchFiltered = countries.filter(({ name }) => {
			const countryName = name.official.toLowerCase();
			return countryName.includes(value);

	// a function to filter countries based on its region
	const handleSelect = (selectValue) => {
		const selectFiltered = countries.filter(({ region }) => region.includes(selectValue));


	// set up 12 countries display on each page
	// and they go into pagination component
	const idxOfLastCountries = currentPage * countriesPerPage; // 1 * 12 = 12
	const idxOfFirstCountries = idxOfLastCountries - countriesPerPage; // 12 - 12 = 1
	const currentCountries = list.slice(idxOfFirstCountries, idxOfLastCountries);

	return (
		<main className="">
			<div className="">
					onChangeSearch={(e) => handleSearch(e.target.value)}
					onChangeSelect={(e) => handleSelect(e.target.value)}
					<Route path="/" element={<Countries countries={currentCountries} loading={loading} />} />

This is the whole code for the Main component. It does look messy. We also need to pass down props to Form, Countries and Pagination components. How can I organize the code better? This is where the API comes in.

A picture worth a thousand words!

shows the process of passing props down from main to search and select components

As the illustration and code show, searchTerm, selectRegion, handleSearch, and handleSelect were defined in the Main component. For the Search and Select to work, they will have to get props from Main.

Now, let’s imagine this. If there are more components below Search or Select? You would pass props down more levels. If you find yourself pass down props from component to component and to more components down. This is prop drilling.

Is prop drilling a bad thing? Probably! As the app grows and more components are added, there will be more layers of components to pass down. It may get to the point where you need to take the time to find where props originally came from. Also, if there are bugs somewhere in between components, you may need to investigate them to find the root cause. This also requires time.

Now, let’s see what it looks like after using the API!

After useContext

function Countries() {
	const { loading } = useContext(CountriesContext);
	const { currentCountries } = useContext(PaginationContext);

	if (loading) return <Spinner />;

	return (
			<Form />
			<section className="">
				// this is a grid that display country cards which is the homepage
			<Pagination />

Note: the Main component become a homepage that will display country cards, detailed country informaiton page, and 404 error page. Countries componenet is under page folder.

As you can see, there are no more functions or useState hooks from the before code block. They are all moved to CountriesContext.jsx.

First, createContext needs to be imported.

// define the context that you will need to call it with `useContext` hook
const CountriesContext = createContext();

export function CountriesProvider({ children }) {
	// from useFetchCountries.jsx under hook folder
	const { countries, loading, list, setList } = useFetchCountries();
	// these lovely useState hooks for search and select
	const [searchTerm, setSearchTerm] = useState("");
	const [selectRegion, setSelectRegion] = useState("");

	const handleSearch = (searchValue) => {
		// the code is deinfed above

	const handleSelect = (selectValue) => {
		// the code is deinfed above

	return (
		// remember the line of code that was created with `createContext`?
		// you put all functions and useState hooks that will be used by other components

export default CountriesContext;

Let’s see the code from before and after with Form component. Notice the after code doesn’t take any props like the before code? This is the advantage of Context API.


	onChangeSearch={(e) => handleSearch(e.target.value)}
	onChangeSelect={(e) => handleSelect(e.target.value)}


// wow no props to pass down!!!
<Form />

First, go to the SearchBar component that needs one or more values from the CountriesContext.jsx.

function SearchBar() {
	// remember the `CountriesContext` that was created in the context file?
	// you only call the value that you need for this component
	// searchTerm, handleSearch in this case and then pass them to value and onChange below
	const { searchTerm, handleSearch } = useContext(CountriesContext);

	return (
		<div className="">
			<IoSearchSharp className="" />
				onChange={(e) => handleSearch(e.target.value)}
				placeholder="Search for a country..."

Yay, no more props pass down!

Summary Imagine the context file as a main warehouse that holds everything. If a store needs a specific thing, they will call the warehouse and let them know the store needs thing A or more things. And the warehouse will deliver these things that they need. In short, the SearchBar component needs searchTerm and handleSearch to do its job, so they call the CountriesContext.jsx for the 2 values that it requires.

Feel free to look around and see the differences between both versions with or without useContext


The Context API allows you to define functions and hooks in the context file. You can organize functions and hooks based on their purpose. e.g CountriesContext for fetching country data, search and select functions or PaginationContext for all pagination related.


  • all functions and hooks are in one file
  • keep component files clean
  • components can take props from the Context API instead of passing down props


Thank you!

Thank you for your time and for reading this!