Exploring mkdir - Linux Commands

| 1 min read

What is mkdir?

mkdir stands for “make directory”. It is a command-line utility in Unix and Unix-like operating systems used to create directories (folders) within the file system.

How to use mkdir with examples:

  • Creating one directory:
mkdir directory1

You can you use -v option to make mkdir more verbose, showing each directory as it is created.

mkdir -v directory1
# created directory 'directory1'

If you want to create a directory name like my awesome directory

mkdir "my awesome directory"
  • Creating more than one directories:
mkdir directory1 directory2 directory3

  • Creating nested directories

You can create directories with in directories with the -p or -parents option.

mkdir -p parent_directory/child_directory

Additionally, you can use the man command to view detailed information about mkdir and its various options.

man mkdir

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