Exploring find - Linux Commands

| 4 min read

What is the find Command in Linux?

The find command in Linux is like a treasure map for your files and directories. It helps you search through your filesystem to locate files and directories that match specific criteria, making it an essential tool for anyone managing a Linux environment. Whether you’re looking for a file by name, type, size, or even modification date, find has got your back.

Basic syntax:

find [path] [options] [expression]


find /home/user -name "*.txt"

This command searches for all .txt files in the /home/user directory.


-nameSearch for files by name (case-sensitive)
-innameSearch for files by name (case-insensitive)
-typeSpecify the type of file: f for files, d for directories
-sizeSearch for files of a specific size (e.g., +100k for files larger than 100KB)
-mtimeSearch for files modified within a certain number of days

Common Use Cases

Finding Files by Name

One of the most straightforward uses of find is to locate files by name:

find /var/log -name "*.log"

This command finds all .log files in the /var/log directory.

If you’re not sure about the case of your file’s name, use -iname for a case-insensitive search:

find /home/user -iname "*.jpg"

Filtering by Type

You can also specify whether you’re looking for files or directories:

find /tmp -type d

This command lists all directories in the /tmp folder.

Finding by Size

Need to find large files? The -size option can help you out:

find / -size +100M

This command searches for files larger than 100MB across the entire filesystem.

Finding by Modification Date

If you want to locate files modified within the last week, you can use:

find /home/user -mtime -7

This finds all files in /home/user modified in the last 7 days.

Executing Commands on Found Files

One of the coolest features of find is the ability to execute commands on the files it finds. For example, if you want to delete all .tmp files in a directory, you can do:

find /tmp -name "*.tmp" -exec rm {} \;

Additional Help

To explore more options, just type:

find --help
# or
man find

This will pull up the manual for the find command, packed with details and examples.


The find command is a powerful ally in your Linux toolkit, perfect for searching for files and directories based on a variety of criteria. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just getting started with Linux, mastering find will save you time and effort in navigating your filesystem. So next time you need to hunt down a file, just remember: find is your friend!

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