JavaScript - onClick vs addEventListener


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The onclick property is an event handler for processing click events on the specific element.

The syntax looks this

element.onclick = makeChange;

function makeChange() {
	// do something


element.onclick = function makeChange() {
	// do something


The addEventListener() method of the EventTarget interface sets up a function that will be called whenever the specified event is delivered to the target. — MDN

The syntax looks like this

addEventListener(type, listener);
addEventListener(type, listener, options);
addEventListener(type, listener, useCapture);

As you can see, the addEventListener takes 3 arguments

  • type: this is the event type, such as click, keydown, mouseover and so on.
  • listener: it is usually the function that you had declared, such as change background colour, text colour, and many options
function makeChange() {
	// do something

element.addEventListener("click", makeChange);
  • options:

    1. capture: defaults to false, if true, it will capture all nested elements from the top of the DOM tree to the clicked element
    2. once: defaults to false, if true, the element only can be clicked once.
    3. passive: defaults to false, if true, the specific function will never call preventDefault()
    4. signal: the listener will be removed when the signal is given.
  • useCapture: this is similar to the capture from options category.

What are the differences between capture and useCapture

	<div class="one">
		<div class="two">
			<div class="three"></div>
function logText() {
// capture
divs.forEach((div) => {
	div.addEventListener("click", logText, { capture: true });
// useCapture
divs.forEach((div) => {
	div.addEventListener("click", logText, { useCapture: true });

Result table - the order of logging after clicked

trueone -> two -> threethree -> two -> one
falsethree -> two -> onethree -> two -> one


Differences between addEventListener and onclick

number of eventmany eventssingle event
event propagationcan control with 3rd argumentcant control
compatibilityDoesn’t work on older IEworks on all browsers

browser support

You can check this Can I Use site to see what browser version support certain property.



Both onclick and addEventlistener are supported on almost all browsers beside Internet Explorer version 6 - 8. But, which one to use? It boils down to what are you trying to achieve. Does it do one thing only, you may go with onclick for a short and simple way to write. However, addEventListener is recommended to use.

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